I’ve had some challenges with my personal life and career, Since Covid. I’ve had to reassess what I thought was the right path and redirect. One thing that has kept my wheel moving while pushing through my anxieties, is my relationship with my breath. While developing this relationship, I realized how important breathing is not only to the physical body, but also to how we perceive and absorb our world.

So for just a minute, take a moment to…b  r  e  a  t  h  e…

Now, if you don’t already know, breathing is a big thing. If you don’t believe me, which I highly doubt, stop breathing for 10 seconds. It’s quite interesting how something that is so important to us hardly gets paid any attention to. And what’s worse, is that some of us are actually not breathing the way we should. How did it feel when you stopped breathing for just 10 seconds.  Anxious? Foggy Headed? Unfocused? Blocked?

In our daily busy lives, rarely do we take a moment to focus on our breath; to inhale and exhale deeply and allow things to flow through its proper channel. And because of this, those feelings of anxiousness, being foggy headed and not able to focus remain constant, and cycle through our daily routine keeping us in this never ending loop of not breathing… properly.

I recently came across a Shaolin Master, Shi Heng Yi on Youtube and decided to practice Qi Gong with him. Taking on this challenge has helped me to slow my thinking down a bit and breathe( which I found to be shallow) a lot better than before. This has helped me to prepare myself for the day and accept the challenges that I know are sure to come.  I’ve come to the understanding that struggle and joy are as cyclical and as important as breathing. It is a beautiful dance of expansion and reflection that guides us along our life’s journey. This understanding all starts with the breath.

How does this relate to graphic design and branding you ask? While working on a project with an intern, I noticed I kept emphasizing on the word breathe. I wanted her to look at the canvas and ask are the elements breathing. Is there a natural flow? Are the elements blocked? When we design for our audience, it is generally to create a positive feeling. You want your audience to not only connect immediately to your design or brand but also to some extent guide their eyes in a way that flows with their breath. Give them that space whether consciously or unconsciously a moment to inhale and exhale a little deeper than usual. 

Architect and interior designer Frank Lloyd Wright  said that “Space is the breath of art.” 

Like the breath that easily flows through us, allowing us the opportunity to occupy space to wiggle and grow,  your designs and your brand should always start with the breath. This will encourage clarity and focus that will then give the foundation and support for your brand’s growth.  So when you are designing, think of your audience’s experience… Are they squinting or are they breathing? Are they confused or are they breathing? Are they feeling anxious or are they breathing? Always guide your audience in the direction that naturally flows with the breath….now….b  r  e  a  t  h  e…

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